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Scoliosis Correction

There is a new alternative for those patients with Adolecent Idiopatic Scoliosis) AIS. The applications of ApiFix is for Lenke 1 and 5 type curves, 40 to 60 degrees and Risser 0-5.
ApiFix’s Minimally Invasive Deformity Correction (MID-C) System is a posterior dynamic deformity correction system device that enables surgeons to perform a novel surgical treatment providing permanent curve correction while retaining spine flexibility with a least invasive approach. The MID-C system has been used to treat more than 370 young patients diagnosed with progressive scoliosis with follow-up exceeding eight years. FDA approval via Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) was received in August 2019.

The unique ApiFix approach provides a viable alternative to failed bracing before considering spinal fusion for many patients as the least invasive spine deformity correction option. The MID-C system acts as an “internal brace” with motion-preserving polyaxial joints and a patented unidirectional, self-adjusting rod mechanism allowing additional post-operative correction over time and is ultimately removable.
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